
National Dental Hygiene Month

October Is National Dental Hygiene Month

National Dental Hygiene Month

Purpose of National Dental Hygiene Month

October is National Dental Hygiene Month, an effort to celebrate the work dental hygienists do and to help raise awareness on the importance of good oral health.

Activities on National Dental Hygiene Month

National Dental Hygiene Month is an annual designation observed in October. During this time, spread awareness about the importance of oral health. Good breath, strong teeth, and clean gums are all important parts of oral health. It’s important to listen to our dentists when they tell us to brush every day, floss weekly, and get regular checkups.

You may not know this, but having a healthy mouth helps the rest of your body stay healthy, too. A look inside your mouth, or a swab of saliva can tell your doctor a lot more than you realize about what’s going on in your body. Our mouths are sometimes called “the window” looking into the rest of our bodies. Plus, a healthy mouth means you get to keep your teeth when you get older!

Importance of dental hygiene

The National Dental Hygiene Month is more than a tweet reminding others about this awareness month, and it is more than an article you’ll share on social media. October is an ideal opportunity to learn about dental health and become more proactive to protect it. It is never too late to take care of your teeth and gums properly or to make necessary adjustments in oral hygiene practices.

Proper brushing technique

  • Start by placing the toothbrush to the 45-degree angle to the gums
  • Using short strokes gently move the brush back and forth
  • Make sure you brush both outer and inner surfaces of your teeth as well as chewing surfaces
  • When brushing inner surfaces of the front teeth, tilt the toothbrush vertically and use gentle, up and down strokes

October is a National Dental Hygiene Month and it is the perfect opportunity to be more proactive about your oral health. Schedule an appointment to see your dentist, get educated about importance of dental health, promote proper oral hygiene practices, and mark this awareness month by making a step forward to stronger teeth, healthier gums, and improved overall health.

National Dental Hygiene Month

Glister Toothpaste for Cleaner, Whiter and Healthier teeth

Multi-Action Toothpaste: Whitens teeth; Fights Cavities; Removes Plaque; Freshens Breath; Promotes Remineralization. All with regular brushing. Great for the whole family.

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.

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